Use Advance Words Instead of Simple Words | Improve vocabulary | arbitrary

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Published at : February 11, 2023

Use Advance Words Instead of Simple Words | Improve vocabulary | arbitrary
TOEFL Words You Must Know – Complete Word List
IELTS Words You Must Know – Complete Word List

Hey Samantha, do you know what the meaning of "arbitrary" is?
Sure, Edd. Arbitrary means based on personal preference or convenience rather than any specific reason or principle.
Oh, okay. So, when we say that something is arbitrary, it means that there's no real logic or rationale behind it, it's just chosen for no specific reason.
Exactly. It can also mean that it is subjective or random.
I see. So, in programming, when we talk about arbitrary decisions, we're referring to choices that are made without any specific reasoning or logic, like choosing a random number or color.
Exactly. And in some cases, arbitrary decisions can be made by an algorithm or by user input.
Interesting. Thanks for explaining that to me, Samantha.
You're welcome, Edd. Let me know if you have any other questions.

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#advancedwords #vocabularyUpgrade​

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